Are You Looking to Get Involved?
There are several committees that are active in West Market. The role of each committee can vary depending on its purpose.
Landscape Committee: Chair: Joy Horr
- The Landscape Committee meets monthly to discuss the grounds and overall curb appeal of the community, always striving to improve on the already beautiful and natural look of the community.
- The committee works with vendors and management to develop proposals and recommendations to the Board on various landscaping projects.
Activities Committee: Co-Chairs: Donna Moran/Tricia Harris
- This committee is responsible for developing the social, cultural, and recreational programs and activities that are important to creating a cohesive community.
- Working with the Board, the Activities Committee will develop events for all age groups in the community.
Budget Committee: Chair: Hugh Rodell
- The role of the committee is to assist in developing the budget as well as focus on the Reserve Study for large scale projects and help prepare appropriate funding.
Communications Committee: Shirley Kang, Onsite Manager
- The role of this committee is to provide a strong and effective Communications Program for the community and Association. This committee produces regular email communications, newsletters, email flyers and maintains a community website.
Looking for Something to Do? Join or Start Your Own Club
Clubs enjoy the benefit of free use of the clubhouse for events and event postings on the calendar.
To apply for a new club complete this Club Recognition Form and submit to management
Current Clubs
Monthly Happy Hour Club: Chair: Rena Kovach
- Meets on the first Thursday of each month at the clubhouse
- Residents can gather from 5pm-7pm for Happy Hour and social gathering
- Bring your own drinks and snacks to consume or share.
Bunco Club: Chair: Janet Davis
- This club meets once a month (3rd Tuesday) at the clubhouse to play this fast and fun game of dice!
Garden Club: Chair: Denise Brown
- The Garden Club of West Market meets at 12pm on the second Thursday of each month at the clubhouse.
- We meet to share information about our own gardening experiences whether it be container gardening on the decks of our condominiums or gardening in the front and back of our townhouses.
Kids Club: Currently not active. If you are interested in this club please contact management.
Bike Club: Currently not active. If you are interested in this club please contact management.
Running Club: Currently not active.